Auto Haulers Insurance
Insurance needs for transporting autos can be a complex subject. Palomar, a dedicated member of the Auto Haulers Association of America, understands the unique needs of auto haulers. Our policies provide coverage for liability, physical damage, and cargo insurance, including constructive total loss and diminished value, ensuring that you are protected from all angles. We pride ourselves on our knowledge and expertise in the industry and are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service.
Our coverages include, but are not limited to:
- Auto Liability
- General Liability
- Physical Damage
- Motor Truck Cargo
- Workers Comp
- Umbrella
- Diminished Value Coverage
- Constructive Total Loss Coverage
Contact us today to learn more

Thomas Locklin
Senior Vice President
(205) 478-2295
[email protected]

Michael Smith
Account Executive
(256) 898-5783
[email protected]